Get Started Running Your First Op—From Slack

This guide will walk through installing the Slack App into your Slack Workspace, and then show you how to run Ops!

Start The Installation

Setting up the Slack App requires two main steps: creating an account for The Ops Platform and giving the Slack App permissions to one of your Slack workspaces.

To get started, navigate to On this page, you'll see two options. Click the "Install Slack Beta" button.


Figure 1. The welcome page

Slack Permissions

When you choose to install the Slack Beta, you will be shown a permission screen from Slack. In the top-right corner of this page, you can choose the workspace you will be using for the Slack App. If you do not see one that you would like to use, you can open Slack and create a new workspace for use with the app.

Note: Our Slack app will request the minimum we need for permissions. These permisisons include:The ability to read, write, and join public channels. These are necessary to associate the app with a channel and show the results of running an Op.We also require "Install a new command in the workspace," as this allows us to add the Ops Slack commands (e.g., /ops run).

Figure 2. Linking the app to the "rysuptestspace" workspace

Configure a Slack Channel

Open Slack and select the workspace you associated with the Slack App.

Note: If your Slack environment requires permission from an administrator to install apps in your workspace, you can request permission when you try to add the app.

In a channel, type /ops run. When you first try to run an Op, the app will ask which team you’d like to use. Choose your team from the dropdown list. If you would like to create new teams, you can install The Ops Platform CLI from the welcome page to add them.


Figure 3. Selecting a team from The Ops Platform to use in the Slack workspace

Note: You can change the team later by running /ops team:switch.

To test the Slack App install, you can now run an Op that is associated with your team. To see the Ops you have available, run the command /ops list.

Note: If you don't see the Op you're looking for, you might have the wrong team active. You can change the active team by running /ops team:switch

Running an Op in Slack

  1. Open Slack and navigate to the channel you have enabled for the Slack App.
  2. Run the command /ops run in a channel. When you first run this command in your chosen Slack channel, you will be asked to authenticate as a user for The Ops Platform. If you already have an account, you can sign into your existing account.
  3. Run the command /ops run again in the same channel. Now that you have been authenticated with The Ops Platform, you will be asked which of your team you would like to associate with this channel. If you are brand new to The Ops Platform, you will have one team associated with your account. When you are prompted for the team, select one from the dropdown menu.
  4. You can see the Ops available to your current team by running /ops list. If you have the wrong team active, you can also switch teams by running /ops team:switch.
  5. Run an Op using the /ops run command. To stop a running Op, you can use the command /ops stop.

Note: Remember to run Ops within a channel--not in a Slack direct message.


Figure 1. Running the temperature Op in Slack

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