Golang SDK

The Golang version of The Ops Platform SDK works in conjunction with our Docker base images. The SDK allows the development of automations with rich user interfaces, that run in both the local terminal and in our Slack App as Slack Ops.

Supported methods

The following SDK methods are supported in Golang:

  • GetHostOS
  • GetInterfaceType
  • GetSecret
  • GetStatePath
  • HomeDir
  • SetSecret
  • Track
  • GetState
  • SetState
  • GetConfig
  • GetAllConfig
  • SetConfig

To use the SDK, you need to create a new SDK object:

func NewSdk() *Sdk

Alternatively, the SDK object is included in the Client object:

client := ctoai.NewClient()

func (*Sdk) GetHostOS

func (*Sdk) GetHostOS() string

Returns the current host OS.


package main

import (
	ctoai "github.com/cto-ai/sdk-go"

func main() {
	client := ctoai.NewClient()
	o := client.Sdk.GetHostOS()



func (*Sdk) GetInterfaceType

func (*Sdk) GetInterfaceType() string

Returns the interface type that the Op is attached to (e.g. terminal or Slack).


package main

import (
	ctoai "github.com/cto-ai/sdk-go"

func main() {
	client := ctoai.NewClient()
	o := client.Sdk.GetInterfaceType()



func (*Sdk) GetSecret

func (*Sdk) GetSecret(key string) (string, error)

Requests a secret from the secret store by key.

If the secret exists, it is returned, with the daemon notifying the user that it is in use.

Otherwise, the user is prompted to provide a replacement.


package main

import (
	ctoai "github.com/cto-ai/sdk-go"

func main() {
	client := ctoai.NewClient()
	o, err := client.Sdk.GetSecret("sec1")
	if err != nil {


Failed to retrieve secret sec1!
We were unable to find a secret with key sec1. Please select an alternate key or enter a value.
Enter a value:

func (*Sdk) HomeDir

func (*Sdk) HomeDir() string

Returns the location of the user home directory.


package main

import (
	ctoai "github.com/cto-ai/sdk-go"

func main() {
	client := ctoai.NewClient()
	o := client.Sdk.HomeDir()



func (*Sdk) SetSecret

func (*Sdk) SetSecret(key string, value string) (string, error)

Sets a particular value into the secret store.

If the secret already exists, the user is prompted on whether to overwrite it.


package main

import (
	ctoai "github.com/cto-ai/sdk-go"

func main() {
	client := ctoai.NewClient()
	s,err := client.Sdk.SetSecret("sec1", "password1")
	if err != nil {



func (*Sdk) Track

func (*Sdk) Track(tags []string, event string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error

Sends an event to the CTO.ai workflow event system.

This is the public facing API to enable developers to send workflow events.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
err := s.Track([]string{"sdk", "go", "tracked"}, "testing", map[string]interface{}{
    "user": "name",

The event, tags, and payload will be sent to the events system.

func (*Sdk) Events

func (*Sdk) Events(starttime string, endtime string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)

Retrieves events to the CTO.ai analytics system.

This is the public facing API to enable developers to retrieve workflow events.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
err := s.Events("2020-05-12T20:47:45Z", "2020-06-12T20:47:45Z")

The event, tags, and payload will be retrieved from the events system.

func (s *Sdk) GetConfig

func (s *Sdk) GetConfig(key string) (string, error)

Returns a value from the team configuration store. If the value does not exist, returns an empty string.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
configValue, err := s.GetConfig("relevant_configuration")

func (s *Sdk) GetAllConfig

func (s *Sdk) GetAllConfig() (map[string]string, error)

Returns the contents of the team configuration store, as a map of keys to values.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
fullConfig, err := s.GetAllConfig()

func (s *Sdk) SetConfig

func (s *Sdk) SetConfig(key string, value string) error

Sets a value in the team configuration store.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
err := s.SetConfig("AWS_PROFILE", "default")

func (s *Sdk) DeleteConfig

func (s *Sdk) DeleteConfig(key string) (bool, error)

Deletes a key-value pair in the persistent team configuration. Returns true if the key exists and the deletion is successful, or false if the key cannot be found.


s := ctoai.NewSdk()
wasDeleted, err := s.DeleteConfig("AWS_PROFILE")

🚀 What's next?

  • To learn more about the UX options available for you, please go to Golang UX page.
  • To see which prompts we offer for this SDK, you can go to Golang Prompts page.
  • Add Secrets Management page to the Password and Secrets prompts.