As technology evolves, businesses continually strive to make their development processes more efficient and effective. GitOps, a term coined by Weaveworks, signifies an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development and extends them to infrastructure automation. This article will deep dive into the core aspects of GitOps and how it is integrated with's platform to boost infrastructure automation.

What is GitOps

At its core, GitOps is a method of implementing Continuous Deployment for cloud-native applications. It leverages Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. With Git at the center of your delivery pipelines, developers can use familiar tools to facilitate faster and more straightforward deployments.

GitOps leverages the same version control system you use for your code base, but in this context, it's for your infrastructure setup. Changes to infrastructure are made in version control before being applied to the system itself. This practice provides a clear and auditable history of all changes made to the infrastructure.

Why GitOps

  • Improve Productivity: GitOps allows developers to use the same Git pull requests they use for source code to manage deployments, reducing the learning curve of new tools.
  • Speed: With GitOps, you're automating away many manual processes, resulting in increased speed of deployment.
  • Reliability: Since all changes are kept in Git, it's easy to track changes, roll back if necessary, and maintain the desired state of your systems.
  • Consistency: With GitOps, your infrastructure is defined declaratively. This ensures that your development, staging, and production environments are consistent, reducing the potential for bugs or discrepancies.
  • Security: GitOps provides an audit log of changes made to your infrastructure and allows you to enforce granular permissions through Git.

GitOps with, a platform for rapidly building, sharing, and running developer workflows, has fully embraced GitOps as a core methodology within its platform. The integration of GitOps into provides a flexible, efficient, and secure way to manage and control infrastructure.

Step 1: Set up CI/CD

CI/CD is the backbone of GitOps.'s CI/CD pipeline runs every time changes are pushed to the Git repository, which automates testing and deployment. To set up CI/CD, you need to create an ops.yml file in your project root. This file contains all the configurations for your CI/CD pipeline.

Here's a very basic ops.yml file:

version: "1"
  - name: automated-tests:0.1.0
    description: build automated tests
      - "github:<github_username>/<github_repository>:pull_request.opened"
      - name: automated-tests-build
        description: automated-tests-deployment
          - git
          - echo "automated tests"
          - ./
          - ./

Step 2: Define Your Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

With GitOps, your infrastructure is defined as code in the same way your applications are. This can be done using tools like Terraform, Ansible, or Kubernetes' own declarative syntax. When changes are pushed to the Git repository, the state of your infrastructure is updated to match.

For instance, you could have a Kubernetes configuration file in your repository that defines a deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

Step 3: Automatically Apply Changes

The next step is to modify your CI/CD pipeline so that it automatically applies changes to your infrastructure when they are pushed to the Git repository. How exactly you do this will depend on how you've defined your infrastructure in our config file, we can add another job step to apply your deployment file.

version: "1"
  - name: automated-tests:0.1.0
    description: build automated tests
      - "github:<github_username>/<github_repository>:pull_request.opened"
      - name: automated-tests-build
        description: automated-tests-deployment
          - git
          - echo "automated tests"
          - ./
          - ./
   - name: deploy Kubernetes deployment
     Description: deploy kubernetes workflow
      steps: |
	Kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Benefits of using GitOps with

  • Workflow Automation: With's platform, you can automate your workflows and operations using a highly intuitive interface and integrate them directly with your Git repositories. Changes to workflows can be managed in the same way as code changes - through pull requests.

  • Simplified Operations: aims to make operations easy for developers and the entire team. With the GitOps approach, team members can deploy, rollback, and manage applications without needing deep knowledge about the infrastructure.

  • Visibility and Control: With, teams have complete visibility and control over their operations. You can track every operation, change, and its effect, allowing you to ensure stability and reliability. If something goes wrong, rollback is as simple as reverting a Git commit.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: enables teams to create, share, and reuse workflows. The combination of this feature with the GitOps approach fosters better collaboration and faster delivery times.

The Future of Infrastructure Automation

As more and more organizations see the benefits of GitOps and begin to adopt it, we can expect this trend to continue. Developers are becoming more involved with defining and managing infrastructure, and GitOps is an excellent fit for this shift., with its strong focus on developer workflows and experience, is well-positioned to facilitate the adoption of GitOps. By integrating GitOps principles into their platform, they offer an easy way for teams to adopt these practices and reap the benefits.

Are you ready to experience the benefits of GitOps with If you are, we would love to invite you to sign up for a demo with us. You will see first-hand how our platform can transform your infrastructure management and operational workflows.