Database migration is complex and time-consuming; it often needs your database to be down for days, weeks, or even months when no one can use it. It takes a lot of time and resources to migrate existing applications to a new environment, especially when converting a data series to a new database type. If an error occurs during the migration process, it can disrupt the entire system and cause you to start all over again. With AWS Database Migration Service, you can migrate all your workloads and resources to a new database environment and handle all complexities required with the upgrade, and automatically replicate back to your existing database in different regions and availability zones.

The AWS Schema Database utility handles your application code conversion and migration assistant. The source database code schema and code are converted to a format compatible with the target database.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to migrate a MariaDB Instance to a new target database connection.


Getting Started

  • Specify and configure your MariaDB instance with your specifications.
  • Specify the instance class, DB instance identifier, templates, and engineer version for your Maria DB.

  • Next, enter the credential settings for your Master password and database credentials.

  • Next, configure your storage space and the storage type required for your workloads. You can also increase the allocated storage and provisioned IOPS if you want.

  • Next, when you’re done with the configuration, click on Launch Database. Your database might talk a few minutes to create.

  • Next, go to your AWS Database Migration Service on the AWS console. In the DMS service, you have to configure your source database, target database, and replication instance. The replication instance is required to connect the source and the target instance.

  • You must use the AWS schema conversion tool to move your data from Maria DB to another database. Before we get started with the migration, we have to create a replication instance. Enter your Name, Description, and instance configuration.

  • Specify the storage and the replication subnet group with the required connectivity.

  • Next, specify the maintenance window you want to work with ad the default availability zones for your workflow.

  • Next, create your replication instance.
  • Configure your source database connection and target database connection.

  • Our source and target engine will be Maria DB; if you want to move it to a different database, copy your endpoint server name and paste it into your Target instance engine.
  • Next, after inserting your username and password, click on Run test to test if all the endpoints are connected to the replication instance.

  • Next, set up your replication task and enter your task name, task description, source endpoint, target endpoint, and replication instance., and select Migrate existing data.

  • In your target table preparation mode, choose which settings you want for your database.  You can Drop tables on target, Truncate, or Do nothing. Once you’re done, click Create Task, and it’ll automatically start creating the migration task.
  • In the complete status bar, you can see the progress of your database migration and the time it’s required for it.

  • Once complete, go to your RDS database and connect your data to your table. When you access your database resource, you’ll see that your table has been migrated successfully.


AWS DMS enables customers and users to run simple and complex migrations and convert source database objects to a format compatible with your target database engine. At a high level, workflows with AWS DMS migration let you create a process that converts database schemas and code objects and provides a heterogenous database migration stack using the Developer Control Plane or directly on your CLI. Book a call with our solutions team to get started.