
In today's software development environment, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) has become an indispensable practice. CI/CD automates the process of software delivery - from integrating changes regularly to testing them automatically and deploying them into production quickly and reliably. Today, we will be discussing how to build scalable CI/CD pipelines using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and, a powerful DevOps automation platform.


Understanding CI/CD Pipelines

CI/CD pipelines are a series of steps that allow developers to automatically build, test, and deploy applications with each change to the code (commit). This ensures a quick, reliable, and iterative approach to software development. CI/CD becomes increasingly beneficial as the size and complexity of the application increase, allowing teams to catch and correct bugs swiftly, improving software quality, and accelerating time-to-market.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform offers a wide variety of services that can be used to implement a robust CI/CD pipeline. Key tools include Google Cloud Build for building and testing code, Google Cloud Source Repositories for storing and versioning your code, and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Google Compute Engine (GCE) for deploying your applications.

Setting up CI/CD Pipeline

Before we get started with this guide, install the GCP GKE Pulumi Py workflow if you don't have access to the repository, kindly contact us at [email protected]

The repo includes a complete IaC for deploying infrastructure over GCP: Kubernetes, Container Registry, Database Clusters, Load Balancers, and Project Resource Management, all built using Python + Pulumi +

Build Pipelines locally, and Set up your Infrastructure with the CLI

  • In your terminal, enter the ops build . command and select the sample-app-gcr-pipeline. This ops build . command will build your GKE ad GCP workflow, your Docker image from your Dockerfile, and the set of files located in the specified path you created in your source code.‌‌


  • When the image is built, it's going to create an image ID, and successfully tag it in your console.


  • Next, you need to build and set up the infrastructure that will deploy each resource to GCP using the Pulumi Python framework. Set up your infrastructure using ops run -b . This will provision your stack using Pulumi.‌‌

  • Select setup Infrastructure over GCP


  • Select your environment, and install the dependencies and services required for your build.


  • After configuring and setting up your GCP infrastructure, you can configure your sample app, and set up CI/CD pipelines on it. Your sample app CI/CD config will be configured in the ops.yml file.
version: "1"
  - name: sample-expressjs-pipeline-gcp-gke-pulumi-pyf:0.1.1
    description: Build and Publish an image in a GCPContainer Registry
        - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
        - STACK_TYPE=gcp-gke-pulumi-py
        - ORG=cto-ai
        - GH_ORG=workflows-sh
        - REPO=sample-expressjs-gcp-gke-pulumi-py
        - BIN_LOCATION=/tmp/tools
        - GITHUB_TOKEN
        - PULUMI_TOKEN
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-gcp-gke-pulumi-py:pull_request.opened"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-gcp-gke-pulumi-py:pull_request.synchronize"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-gcp-gke-pulumi-py:pull_request.merged"
      - name: sample-expressjs-build-gcp-gke-pulumi-py
        description: Build step for sample-expressjs-gcp-gke-pulumi-py
          - git
          - unzip
          - wget
          - tar
          - mkdir -p $BIN_LOCATION
          - export PATH=$PATH:$BIN_LOCATION
          - ls -asl $BIN_LOCATION

Once the code is stored and versioned, it needs to be built and tested using the ops build . command. Build is a service that executes your builds on Google Cloud's infrastructure. It can import source code from Google Cloud Source Repositories GitHub, and execute a build to your specifications, and produce artifacts such as Docker containers.‌‌

Enhancing the CI/CD Pipeline with

  • Workflow Orchestration: allows you to manage complex workflows, helping to streamline your development process. You can design your workflows visually and automate them with ease, resulting in faster deployments and fewer errors.
  • Team Collaboration: With, you can invite your team members to join your workflows, allowing for collaborative troubleshooting and optimization. This leads to better communication and higher productivity.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: provides comprehensive analytics backed by DORA metrics for your workflows, giving you insights into your pipeline's efficiency. This helps you identify bottlenecks, optimize your processes, and make data-driven decisions.

Empower Your Software Development with Scalable CI/CD Pipelines in

Building scalable CI/CD pipelines in can revolutionize your software delivery process. It can lead to faster deployments, reduced errors, improved communication, and overall higher productivity. It may require an initial investment of time and resources, but the long-term benefits will significantly outweigh these costs. Start leveraging the power of automated CI/CD pipelines today and watch your development processes transform for the better.