Security Considerations When Moving from VMs to Kubernetes

In recent years, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for orchestrating containerized applications. As organizations transition from traditional Virtual Machines (VMs) to Kubernetes, it's imperative to address the unique security considerations that this shift entails.

This article discusses the security challenges and benefits associated with moving to Kubernetes from VMs and explores how facilitates a secure transition.

Security Concepts

VMs vs Kubernetes:

Virtual Machines (VMs) and Kubernetes represent different paradigms in managing and orchestrating compute resources. VMs operate by emulating hardware, enabling multiple operating systems to run simultaneously on a single machine. On the other hand, Kubernetes orchestrates containers with lightweight standalone executable packages, ensuring that applications run reliably and scalably.

Security Implications:

Isolation: Virtual Machines (VMs) offer strong isolation guarantees by design, as each VM operates on its own OS instance. Kubernetes, however, relies on a shared operating system, which could potentially expose a larger attack surface. It's vital to employ additional security measures, such as Pod Security Policies or Network Policies, to enforce proper isolation and segmentation in a Kubernetes environment.

Configuration Management: Kubernetes demands a robust configuration management practice due to its declarative nature. Misconfigurations are a common security issue. Tools like kubeaudit or kube-bench can help identify and mitigate configuration problems.

Access Control: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is important in a Kubernetes environment to ensure that only authorized individuals can interact with your cluster. Unlike Virtual Machines (VMs), where access control might be managed on a per-machine basis, Kubernetes allows for fine-grained permission management. Facilitating Secure Transitions plays an important role in facilitating a secure transition from VMs to Kubernetes through the following measures:

  • Automated Security Scanning: integrates with security scanning tools that can automatically scan your container images for vulnerabilities using GitHub. This ensures that your containers are secure before they are deployed to Kubernetes.
  • Configuration as Code: promotes the practice of configuration as code, which allows for version-controlled, auditable, and reproducible configurations. This practice minimizes the risk associated with manual configuration errors.
  • Continuous Compliance: enables continuous compliance checks throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring that your Kubernetes configurations adhere to best practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Secure Credential Management: provides robust mechanisms for managing sensitive information, such as credentials, secrets, and environment configurations,   ensuring they are securely stored and handled.
  • Auditing and Logging: With, you can set up comprehensive auditing and logging to monitor and analyze activities within your CI/CD pipeline and Kubernetes clusters and gather advanced insights into your deployment frequency, Lead Time for changes, Change Failure rate, and Mean Time to Recovery using DORA metrics which we natively support. This not only aids in identifying and mitigating potential security issues but also ensures compliance with various regulatory standards.


Transitioning from VMs to Kubernetes brings about a new set of security considerations. Adopting a security-first approach, using the right tools, and integrating security checks within your CI/CD pipeline are crucial steps toward ensuring a secure Kubernetes environment. emerges as a significant player in this landscape, providing a suite of features and integrations that promote a secure, smooth transition to Kubernetes. Get started for free using