DevOps 20 in 20: The Year's Biggest Announcements Guiding 2021

2020 was a year of all sorts of things and DevOps might not be the top of your mind, but DevOps had a big year, too.

There was a massive shift to virtual conferences, remote collaboration tools, and digital by default strategies.

AWS re:Invent became a three-week extravaganza, for heavens sake. It's still going on as we speak!

Anyways, there's a lot to cover, so here are some of the most important DevOps tools and trends from 2020 influencing what 2021 could mean for the developer experience.

  1. Amazon ECS went multi-cloud.
  2. Kubernetes got divorced from Docker, kind of.
  3. Kong Konnect + Kuma = Universal Service Mesh
  4. Launch: SlackOps by
  5. SlackOps scale: Salesforce bought Slack for 27B.
  6. Your own friendly DevOps Guru by AWS.
  7. New GitHub CLI and Dark Mode! #GitHubUniverse
  8. CNCF is gigantic and still growing.
  9. Billions were raised for developer workflow automation tools, including yours truly,
  10. Measuring DevOps in Jira.
  11. DevSecOps took the majority of talks award at the KubeCon and CloudNativeCon.
  12. Google Cloud doubles down on edge computing.
  13. A control plane for your 1000 microservices?
  14. Microsoft Azure has digital twins?
  15. HashiCorp dropped a bunch of new tools. Are they GitLab now?
  16. Progress bought Chef to double down on software workflow automation.
  17. Atlassian bought Halp for ChatOps in Slack and Microsoft Teams.
  18. Rook, the first CNCF storage project, graduated.
  19. EverythingOps, from AIOps to GitOps to DevSecRunTreeOps (okay, that last one is made up).
  20. Carole Baskin knows way more about AWS than anyone thought.

And that's it! If I missed anything, tweet me.

I'd also recommend the DevOps 2021 predictions by TechBeacon.