AWS EKS and for Kubernetes Management


Managing Kubernetes can be a complex task, but the advent of platforms like Amazon's Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and  have significantly simplified the process. EKS provides a managed environment to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes, while offers seamless continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) to automate your software pipelines. This blog will help you unlock the potential of AWS EKS and in Kubernetes management.

Understanding AWS EKS

AWS EKS is a managed service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. This service eliminates the need to install, operate, and maintain your Kubernetes control plane, thus enabling you to focus on developing applications. EKS runs Kubernetes management infrastructure across multiple AWS Availability Zones, ensuring high availability, and automatically detects and replaces unhealthy control plane nodes.

The Power of is a leading CI/CD platform that automates the software development process, enabling developers to rapidly release their applications. By integrating into your Kubernetes workflow, you can ensure that code changes are consistently and efficiently built, tested, and deployed.

  • Seamless Integration: CI/CD is fully integrated into the ecosystem, making it a natural choice for teams already using GitHub for version control.
  • Pipeline Infrastructure as Code (IaC): CI/CD pipelines are defined using a YAML file, making the pipeline version-controlled, reusable, and easily modifiable.
  • Built-in Docker Support: CI/CD has built-in Docker support, allowing you to package applications into containers or use Docker images as the environment for your jobs.
  • Parallel Execution: CI/CD allows for the concurrent running of jobs, greatly reducing the total time taken for pipeline execution.
  • Customizable and Scalable: You can customize CI/CD to fit your team's needs, whether you're a small start-up or a large enterprise. Its distributed nature also allows for easy scaling as your project grows.

Integrating AWS EKS and

Setting up the EKS Cluster

Before you start, ensure you have an AWS account and that you’ve installed and configured AWS CLI and eksctl. Using eksctl, you can quickly set up an EKS cluster by defining the cluster parameters in a YAML file and then applying it.


To integrate, you’ll need to set up a account and connect your application repository to it. Create an `ops.yml` file in your project's root directory. This file is used to define the environment and specify the steps to build, test, and deploy your application. You can integrate your existing Kubernetes stack with the open-source workflows we support: is a CI/CD platform that facilitates faster, more consistent, and more predictable releases. It provides robust automation that lets you build, test, and deploy applications more efficiently. The platform supports a wide variety of languages, including Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, and many more, making it suitable for almost any project.

Building CI/CD Pipeline

You can define multiple jobs in your config file, such as build, test, and deploy. For Kubernetes deployment, you’ll use kubectl to apply your Kubernetes config file. Ensure that your AWS and Kubernetes credentials are stored as environment variables in your settings.

Here's a basic example of what the ops.yml file might look like:

version: "1"
  - name: sample-expressjs-pipeline-do-k8s-cdktf:0.2.4
    description: Build and Publish an image in a DigitalOcean Container Registry
        - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
        - STACK_TYPE=do-k8s-cdktf
        - ORG=cto-ai
        - GH_ORG=workflows-sh
        - REPO=sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf
        - BIN_LOCATION=/tmp/tools
        - GITHUB_TOKEN
        - DO_TOKEN
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.opened"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.synchronize"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.merged"
      - name: sample-expressjs-build-do-k8s-cdktf
        description: Build step for sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf
          - git
          - unzip
          - wget
          - tar
          - mkdir -p $BIN_LOCATION
          - export PATH=$PATH:$BIN_LOCATION
          - ls -asl $BIN_LOCATION
          - DOCTL_DL_URL='' # Update to latest doctl binary here by providing URL
          - wget $DOCTL_DL_URL -O doctl.tar.gz
          - tar xf doctl.tar.gz -C $BIN_LOCATION
          - doctl version
          - git version
          - git clone https://"${GITHUB_TOKEN}"$GH_ORG/$REPO && cd $REPO
          - git fetch -a && git checkout "${REF}"
          - doctl auth init -t $DO_TOKEN
          - doctl registry login
          - CLEAN_REF=$(echo "${REF}" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g' )
          - docker build -f Dockerfile -t one-img-to-rule-them-all:latest .
          - docker tag one-img-to-rule-them-all:latest$ORG/$REPO:$CLEAN_REF
          - docker push$ORG/$REPO:$CLEAN_REF
  - name: sample-expressjs-service-do-k8s-cdktf:0.1.6
    description: Preview of image built by the pipeline
    run: node /ops/index.js
    port: [ '8080:8080' ]
    domain: ""
        - PORT=8080
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.opened"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.synchronize"
      - "github:workflows-sh/sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf:pull_request.merged"
      - build
      - publish
      - start
  • version: "1": This denotes the version of the pipeline configuration.
  • pipelines: This is a list of pipelines to be run. It includes one pipeline:
  • name: The name of the pipeline.
  • description: A short description of what the pipeline does.
  • env: Environment variables needed for this pipeline. These include both static variables (like STACK_TYPE, ORG, etc.) and secret variables (like GITHUB_TOKEN, DO_TOKEN).
  • events: A list of GitHub events that trigger this pipeline. This pipeline is triggered whenever a pull request is opened, updated (synchronized), or merged on the sample-expressjs-do-k8s-cdktf repository in the workflows-sh GitHub organization.
  • jobs: A list of jobs to be run in this pipeline. In this case, there's one job that builds a Docker image and pushes it to DigitalOcean's Container Registry.
  • services: This is a list of services associated with this pipeline. It includes one service:
  • name: The name of the service.
  • description: A short description of what the service does.
  • run: The command to start the service. Here it runs a Node.js script.
  • port: Ports that need to be exposed. Here port 8080 of the service is mapped to port 8080 of the host.
  • domain: The domain associated with the service. It's empty in this case.
  • env: Environment variables for this service. It includes static variables (PORT).
  • events: Similar to the pipeline, it's a list of GitHub events that affect this service. Here, the same pull request events trigger this service.
  • trigger: A list of actions that should trigger this service. Here, the service is triggered by build, publish, and start actions.

Benefits of AWS EKS and Integration

  • Streamlined Deployment Process: Integrating AWS EKS and streamlines your deployment process, allowing you to focus on writing code while automating build, test, and deploy steps.
  • Enhanced Agility: The CI/CD pipelines accelerate the development process, enabling quick iterations and promoting a DevOps culture.
  • Highly Scalable and Reliable: With EKS, you can easily scale your applications to handle traffic spikes, and with multi-AZ deployment, you get higher availability and reliability.
  • Better Visibility: provides insights into every stage of the pipeline. This enhanced visibility helps to quickly identify and resolve any issues, thereby reducing downtime and improving the overall software quality.


AWS EKS and together form a powerful duo for Kubernetes management. EKS provides a robust, scalable environment for your containerized applications, while ensures seamless, automated CI/CD. By leveraging these tools, you can enhance your team's efficiency, accelerate your delivery cycles, and ensure high availability and reliability for your applications. If you haven't yet incorporated these tools into your workflow, it might be time to consider doing so.