SlackOps Overview

SlackOps Overview

SlackOps (also referred to as ChatOps throughout our documentation) allows your team to interact with your infrastructure in the same place your decisions are discussed: Slack. You can enable SlackOps by installing the Slack App in your Slack workspace, then build an entrypoint to interaction with your cloud-native applications and other integrations.

When you associate a Slack channel with the platform, members of your Team can interact with your infrastructure conversationally. Our SDK can be used to build Commands workflows that receive user input interactively, manage configuration settings, and log the progress of your workflow.

Building SlackOps Workflows

Beyond the more traditional ways we offer for interacting with our Developer Control Plane—via event triggers or the CLI—our Slack App allows you to abstract away much of the routine needed to deploy your application using Infrastructure-as-Code tooling. By building ChatOps-based workflows with our Slack app, you can improve the processes critical to your organization in a number of ways:

  • Manual errors are eliminated by a standard method for running workflows
  • Developers can provision new testing environments as a self-serve process
  • Support staff can resolve common problems without needing to learn the nuances of interacting with your infrastructure
  • Application developers can manage infrastructure without the need to first learn the nuances of operating each cloud providers used by your organization
  • Infrastructure can be managed from anywhere using Slack’s mobile apps

Getting Started with SlackOps

To get started with SlackOps for managing your team’s infrastructure, install the Slack App in your workspace. From there, you will be able to associate with Team with a Slack Channel and start using Slack to converse with your cloud.