Go SDK: ux

Supported methods

The following UX elements are supported by the Golang SDK:

  • Print
  • ProgressBars
  • Spinners

To create a UX element in your workflow, you need to create a new UX object.

Alternatively, the Ux object is included in the Client object:

func (*Ux) Bold

func (*Ux) Bold(text string) string

Formats text as boldface for printing with Print or as a message in any of the other Ux or Prompt methods.

Formats correctly in the terminal and in Slack.


func (*Ux) Italic

func (*Ux) Italic(text string) string

Formats text as italic for printing with Print or as a message in any of the other Ux or Prompt methods.

Formats correctly in the terminal and in Slack, but terminal support for italic text is limited.


func (*Ux) Print

func (*Ux) Print(text string) error

Prints text to the output interface (e.g. terminal or Slack).



func (*Ux) ProgressBarAdvance

func (*Ux) ProgressBarAdvance(increment int) error

ProgressBarAdvance adds onto a progressbar that is already present on the interface (e.g. terminal or Slack).

The increment indicates the additional length (out of total length) that will be filled.



func (*Ux) ProgressBarStart

func (*Ux) ProgressBarStart(length, initial int, message string) error

ProgressBarStart presents a progressbar on the output interface (i.e. terminal or slack) that will stay present until the progressbar stop method is called.

The input length is the total length of the progress bar, e.g. if you have 5 steps in your logic, then a unit length of 5 might be an appropriate length.

The initial length indicates the unit length (out of total length) that is initially filled at the start.



func (*Ux) ProgressBarStop

func (*Ux) ProgressBarStop(message string) error

ProgressBarStop completes a progressbar that is already present on the interface (i.e. terminal or Slack).

The message will change the initial text (set from the ux.ProgressBarStart method).



func (*Ux) SpinnerStart

func (*Ux) SpinnerStart(text string) error

SpinnerStart presents a spinner on the output interface (e.g. terminal or Slack) that will spin until the SpinnerStop method is called.



func (*Ux) SpinnerStop

func (*Ux) SpinnerStop(text string) error

SpinnerStop stops a spinner that has been previously started on the interface (e.g. terminal or Slack).

