Go SDK: sdk


The Golang version of CTO.ai SDK works in conjunction with our Docker base images. The SDK allows the development of automations with rich user interfaces, that run in both the local terminal and remotly on the CTO.ai Platform.

Supported methods

The following SDK methods are supported in Golang:

  • GetHostOS
  • GetInterfaceType
  • GetSecret
  • GetStatePath
  • HomeDir
  • SetSecret
  • Track
  • GetState
  • SetState
  • GetConfig
  • GetAllConfig
  • SetConfig
  • user
  • team

To use the SDK, you need to create a new SDK object:

Alternatively, the SDK object is included in the Client object:

func (*Sdk) Start

Starts a remote command/pipeline/service that belongs to the same team as the “op” that executes the method.

func (*Sdk) Start(workflowName string) error


func (*Sdk) GetHostOS

func (*Sdk) GetHostOS() string

Returns the current host OS.



func (*Sdk) GetInterfaceType

func (*Sdk) GetInterfaceType() string

Returns the interface type that the Command, Service, or Pipeline is attached to (e.g. terminal, web interface or Slack).



func (*Sdk) GetSecret

func (*Sdk) GetSecret(key string, options ...GetSecretOption) (string, error)

Requests a secret from the secret store by key.

If the secret exists, it is returned. A notification is printed to the user that the secret has been accessed, unless the OptGetSecretHidden option is passed.

If the secret does not exist, the user is prompted to provide a replacement, either from the secret store or by direct entry through their interface.



func (*Sdk) HomeDir

func (*Sdk) HomeDir() string

Returns the location of the user home directory.



func (*Sdk) SetSecret

func (*Sdk) SetSecret(key string, value string) (string, error)

Sets a particular value into the secret store.

If the secret already exists, the user is prompted on whether to overwrite it.



func (*Sdk) Track

The track function allows you to store and retrieve custom analytic data.

func (*Sdk) Track(tags []string, event string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error

The tags field is deprecated. Please only pass []string{} as the tags argument, and do not use this field for data.


Using Track for Workflow Metrics

Tracking Workflow Metrics using CTO.ai can give deep insight into your team’s activity.

To use track to send a Workflow Metric event, place your event data in the metadata field like so:

The first two arguments to client.Sdk.Track are left blank because they required by Track, but are not used by the metrics dashboard.

NOTE: currenlty the supported values forevent_action are succeeded or failure.

More information about Workflow Metrics can be found on the Insights: Getting Started page.

func (*Sdk) Events

func (*Sdk) Events(starttime string, endtime string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)

Retrieves events to the CTO.ai analytics system.

This is the public facing API to enable developers to retrieve workflow events.


The event, tags, and payload will be retrieved from the events system.

func (s *Sdk) GetConfig

func (s *Sdk) GetConfig(key string) (string, error)

Returns a value from the team configuration store. If the value does not exist, returns an empty string.


func (s *Sdk) GetAllConfig

func (s *Sdk) GetAllConfig() (map[string]string, error)

Returns the contents of the team configuration store, as a map of keys to values.


func (s *Sdk) SetConfig

func (s *Sdk) SetConfig(key string, value string) error

Sets a value in the team configuration store.


func (s *Sdk) DeleteConfig

func (s *Sdk) DeleteConfig(key string) (bool, error)

Deletes a key-value pair in the persistent team configuration. Returns true if the key exists and the deletion is successful, or false if the key cannot be found.


func (*Sdk) User() (UserInfo, error)

User allows an Command to get information about the CTO.ai user running it such as: id, username, & email. For example, you can set the username or email for a text field that corresponds with who created a ticket or flagged an incident.



func (*Sdk) Team() (TeamInfo, error)

Allows a command to request the basic team information like team id and team name.

