Usage Limits

Usage Limits

This page documents the default resource limits that are available for our Commands, Pipelines, and Services workflows. If these limits are insufficient for your project, please contact us to discuss how we can meet your needs.

Resource Types

We put separate usage limits on compute resources (CPU), memory (RAM), and storage. This table describes how each type of limitation is defined and measured.

Definition of Limitation
ComputeCompute resources are allocated in millicores. Each millicore is equivalent to 1/1000 of a vCPU core.
MemoryMemory resources are allocated in gigabytes (GB) of RAM.
StorageStorage resources are allocated in gigabytes (GB) of ephemeral disk space.

Resource Limits

The following table lists the resource limits for each type of workflow we offer.

Workflow TypeComputeMemoryStorage
Commands workflow400 millicores1.5 GB5 GB
Pipelines workflow1600 millicores6 GB40 GB
Services workflow400 millicores1.5 GB5 GB