You can configure the values in your Configs and Secrets Stores through our Dashboard or with the CLI.
Accessing Secrets and Configs Stores
You can manage the key-value pairs in your Configs and Secrets Stores through the Dashboard. To manage the data stores associated with the Team you currently have selected on the Dashboard, navigate to the Settings tab, where you will find the Secrets and Configs sections on the sidebar under Integrations.
Navigating to either of these sections will present you with a list of the keys and values currently being stored:
In the above image, the numbered markers indicate the following:
Current active Team
Settings tab
Configs section
New Config button
Edit Config icon
As you can see in the screenshot above, the main page in the Configs section of your Team’s settings displays a list of key-value pairs contained in the Configs Store. Separate columns are displayed for each Config’s Key and Value, with an Edit Config button (5) on the right side of each row.
In the above image, the numbered markers indicate the following:
Current active Team
Settings tab
Secrets section
New Secret button
Edit Secret icon
Unlike the Configs main page, the Secrets section of your Team’s settings only displays a list of keys contained in the Secrets Store. This is because we treat the values in Secrets Stores as write-only values that are inaccessible via the Dashboard and CLI, reducing the opportunity for sensitive data to leak outside of your runtime environments.
Each Secrets’s Key column lists the key used to identify that Secret, with an Edit Secret button (5) on the right side of each row.
Creating Secrets and Configs
Creating a new Secret or a new Config can both be accomplished on the Dashboard from the Settings page shown in the section above, by clicking on the New Secret or New Config button, respectively.
On the New Config page, you’ll find (6) a textbox for the Config Key and (7) a multi-line textbox for the Config Value. If a Config Value is formatted as a valid JSON object, the (8) editor tab will automatically select JSON mode to make working with these values easier.
When you are satisfied with your Config Key and Config Value entries, click on (9) Save Config to add them to your Team’s Configs Store.
On the New Secret page, you’ll find (6) a textbox for the Secret Key and (7) a multi-line textbox for the Secret Value.
Please note that, unlike Config Values, Secret Values cannot be managed as JSON objects. Thus, there is no (8) editor tab available to switch to editing in JSON mode.
When you are satisfied with your Secret Key and Secret Value entries, click on (9) Save Secret to add them to your Team’s Secrets Store.
To update or delete your Secrets and Configs values, you can click on (A) that value’s Key in the full list or on (B) the Edit button to the rightmost side of each Key’s row.
On the Edit Config page for the selected key, you will find a ready-only textbox with the key’s name and the current value for this Config in an editable textbox.
After you update the Config Value, you can click on Update Config to commit your change to the Configs Store. If, instead, you need to entirely delete a Config, you can click on the Delete button in the Delete Config section at the bottom of the page.
In the above images, the lettered markers indicate the following:
Key for each Config
Edit button
Config Key textbox
Config Value textbox
Update Config button
Delete button
On the Edit Secret page for the selected key, you will find a read-only textbox with the key’s name and a blank textbox for updating the value of the Secret. Unlike the Edit Config screen, the current value of the Secret is not shown, helping to prevent data leakage.
After you enter a new Secret Value, you can click on Update Secret to commit your change to the Secrets store. If, instead, you need to entirely delete a Secret, you can click on the Delete button in the Delete Secret section at the bottom of the page.
In the above images, the lettered markers indicate the following: