Using Secrets and Configs via Dashboard

Using Secrets and Configs via Dashboard

You can configure the values in your Configs and Secrets Stores through our Dashboard or with the CLI.

Accessing Secrets and Configs Stores

You can manage the key-value pairs in your Configs and Secrets Stores through the Dashboard. To manage the data stores associated with the Team you currently have selected on the Dashboard, navigate to the Settings tab, where you will find the Secrets and Configs sections on the sidebar under Integrations.

Navigating to either of these sections will present you with a list of the keys and values currently being stored:

Creating Secrets and Configs

Creating a new Secret or a new Config can both be accomplished on the Dashboard from the Settings page shown in the section above, by clicking on the New Secret or New Config button, respectively.

Updating Secrets and Configs

To update or delete your Secrets and Configs values, you can click on (A) that value’s Key in the full list or on (B) the Edit button to the rightmost side of each Key’s row.