Official Invite to American Developers from Mayor of Canada | #OpsRunCanada

Feeling a little uneasy about this election season?

Dreaming of living in a land free full of narwhales and unicorn moose?

Well, we have a place for you.

Canada is hiring, eh.

Take refuge from the US election by joining Terry Cahill of Fubar and the thriving tech scene in peaceful, picturesque Canada.

To support our neighbors in the south (and around the globe), we've asked all technical hiring managers in Canada who support with immigration to join non-Canadian developers and engineers in The Ops Community, our developer-centric Slack community.

Interested in escaping to Canada? Technical hiring manager? Here's what you need to do:

  1. Join here:
  2. You'll get an email with an invite to our Slack community. Click the link and join the Slack workspace.
  3. If you are a developer, join the channel #canada-dreaming and post your background and a link to your work.
  4. If you are a hiring manager, post your technical jobs in #canada-jobs and interested community members can reach out directly.
  5. Then just peruse the job listings over the coming weeks.

And, just in case you didn't get the official invite:

What do you think aboot that?


Your friends at Vancouver, Canada-based


Disclaimer: Terry Cahill isn't the actual mayor of Canada. You can't actually be a mayor of an entire country. He's the star of a Canadian film called Fubar. We are not providing immigration or visa advice, only a channel for Canadians and non-Canadians to connect around technical jobs. Also, not all Canadians have the same accent.