Create and Connect to a PostgreSQL DB with PGAdmin and Amazon RDS

AWS RDS makes it easy to build simple and complex projects from development to production. Amazon RDS lets you scale your database resources to thousands of users, offload read traffic from your primary database using read replicas, and provide durability and reliability for critical production workloads, automated backups, and database snapshots. With AWS RDS, you can connect your database to any of the seven engines that AWS provides, like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, and Oracle.

In this blog, you’ll learn:

  • How to get started with AWS RDS using PostgreSQL.
  • Create a Database in your DB instance.
  • Connect to your RDS database using PGAdmin.


  1. Signup or login to your account on AWS

2. In the console, search and click on RDS.

3. Next, under the create database section, click on Create database

  • There are two methods to create a database: Standard and Easy. The Easy create method will set most of the information and configuration to default, while the standard will let you specify your configurations.
  • AWS provides six database engines for your RDS workflow; Amazon Aurora, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. In this tutorial, we’ll be using PostgreSQL.
  • Select the Engine version you want; we’ll be using PostgreSQL 13.7-R1
  • We’ll use the free tier template since we’re developing and testing new applications.

4. Next, enter the name of your database instance identifier.

  • Enter the login ID username and password for your master user DB instance.
  • Select your instance configuration, or work with the default one.

  • Input the allocated storage you want to work with. We’ll be using the General Purpose SSD (gp2) with auto-scaling.

5. Next, choose the networking group, the security group for incoming and outgoing traffic and connectivity for your DB instance.

  • Enable Public access to the database, with this feature, other resources outside the VPC can connect to your database and you can specify which resources can connect to your database instance.

6. Leave the additional configuration and Database authentication as default.

7. Enable performance monitoring on your DB instance if you want, as this lets you have a detailed overview of when there is a downtime or uptime issue.

8. Next, enter your initial database name, specify your parameter group, and choose your backup retention period, and encryption tags.

  • You can enable Deletion Protection; this prevents you from deleting the database by mistake.

9. Once you’re done, click on Create database.

  • Wait for some minutes; you will see your database created with the PostgreSQL Engine.

Once your database is created, you can connect to it using a tool like PGAdmin.

10. Next, download PGadmin and click on any download link. Once you’re done open your PGadmin application.

  • To add another object, click on Add Server.
  • Enter the hostname/address. When you click on your db-instance you’ll see your endpoint that will serve as the host/address.
  • In your configuration settings, also copy your username and password. When you’re done, paste it into the PGadmin config and click on Save.

11. Back in your PGAdmin dashboard, you can see your database dashboard, properties, statistics, dependencies, and processes.

  • You can now start creating columns, and tables, and work with partitions directly from your PGAdmin console.

It's done!

If you'd like to see this applied in a more advanced application, you can check out our cloud providers' docs.