CircleCI Orb

Integrate CircleCI with

The CircleCI Orb lets you integrate your existing CircleCI-based development workflows with the platform. However you choose to make CircleCI part of your development process, our Orb gives you granular control of the events collected by the platform and allows you to send Insights Events at the points in your existing workflows where it makes the most sense.

Before you begin, you may want to review our documentation on Insights Events to better understand the concepts implemented by our platform.

Getting an API Token

You need an API token to use this feature. Before you can generate your API token, you must contact support for a ClientID and ClientSecret. Store the credentials you receive from us somewhere safe.

Using the CLI, sign in to your existing user account by running the ops account:signin command (or ops account:signup if you don’t already have an account with us). After you have signed in, you can generate a new API token using the credentials you received from support:

Generate Token Command
ops generate:token

When prompted by the CLI, enter your ClientID, ClientSecret, and account password. Your new token will then be generated.

Copy the newly-generated API token returned by the CLI and store it somewhere safe, as anyone with this token can use it to access the API on your behalf.

Using the CircleCI Orb

Our CircleCI Orb can be imported by specifying it under the orb key of your CircleCI configuration file, as shown here:

Use the Orb to send Events to the platform by calling it from the steps of a job in your CircleCI configuration:

More information about using this Orb can be found in our Events Orb Example repository on GitHub.