Bitbucket Pipelines

Integrate Bitbucket Pipelines with

The Bitbucket Pipe lets you integrate your existing development workflows from Bitbucket Pipelines with the platform. However, you choose to make Bitbucket Pipelines part of your development process, our Pipe gives you granular control of the events collected by the platform and allows you to send Insights Events at the points in your existing workflows where it makes the most sense.

Before you begin, you may want to review our documentation on Insights Events to better understand the concepts implemented by our platform.

Bitbucket Pipelines Pipe

This integration is available as a public repository on GitHub.

To make use of this Pipe, you can add the following snippet in under the script section of your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:

  - pipe: docker://
      EVENT: "deployment"
      EVENT_ACTION: success

The above snippet expects that you have set environment variables for CTOAI_EVENTS_API_TOKEN and CTOAI_TEAM_ID in your Bitbucket Pipelines settings. Instructions for finding these values can be found on our Collect Events via API page.

Deployment Events

For more information on the expected fields for Deployment Events, please see the Event Schema Reference page.

Your API token for the platform.

The ID of the Team on the platform to associate with this event. This environment variable corresponds to the team_id field in the deployment event schema.


For deployment events, this value must always be deployment. This environment variable corresponds to the event_name field in the deployment event schema.


This should be one of the Deployment Lifecycle States defined on the Event Types page. This environment variable corresponds to the event_action field in the deployment event schema.


The name of the branch that triggered the deployment. This environment variable corresponds to the branch field in the deployment event schema.

This environment variable is optional and defaults to the value of $BITBUCKET_BRANCH if not specified.


The SHA hash of the commit that triggered the deployment. This environment variable corresponds to the commit field in the deployment event schema.

This environment variable is optional and defaults to the value of $BITBUCKET_COMMIT if not specified.


The name of the repository that triggered the deployment. This environment variable corresponds to the repo field in the deployment event schema.

This environment variable is optional and defaults to the value of $BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME if not specified.


A string that uniquely represents the environment that the deployment is targeting. This environment variable corresponds to the environment field in the deployment event schema.

This environment variable is optional and defaults to the value of $CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME if not specified.


Optionally provide an identifier for the container image that is associated with the current deployment. This environment variable corresponds to the image field in the deployment event schema.