Using Secrets and Configs via CLI

Using Secrets and Configs via CLI

You can configure the values in your Configs and Secrets Stores through our Dashboard or with the CLI.

CLI Commands for Secrets and Configs

You can manage the key-value pairs in your Configs and Secrets Stores through the ops CLI. To manage the data stores associated with the Team you currently have selected in your terminal or Slack environment, you can use the commands described below.

Configs Commands

ops configs:list
List all the configs that are stored for the active team
ops configs:set
Add a new config key and value
ops configs:delete
Delete a config stored for the active team

Secrets Commands

ops secrets:list
List all the keys that are stored for the active team
ops secrets:set
Add a key and value
ops secrets:delete
Delete a secret stored for the active team
ops secrets:register
Register a secrets provider for a team
ops secrets:unregister
Unregister a secrets provider for a team

Slack Commands for Secrets and Configs

Using commands for managing Secrets and Configs via our Slack integration will open the appropriate page on the Dashboard.

SlackOps for Configs and Secrets

The SlackOps commands described below can be used to quickly navigate to the appropriate page for managing your Configs and Secrets.

Configs Commands

/ops configs:list
List all the configs that are stored for the active team
/ops configs:set
Add a new config key and value
/ops configs:delete
Delete a config stored for the active team

Secrets Commands

/ops secrets:list
List all the keys that are stored for the active team
/ops secrets:set
Add a key and value
/ops secrets:delete
Delete a secret stored for the active team